
Tubi for the win lol

Netflix done loss they damn mind

What’s good gang!!! Get into the Netflix is having a petty party and it’s all their fault. The lack of original programming and weekly show got them scrambling for the dollar. It’s not a loss of profits because people sharing password y’all simply not keeping us attentive when we watching whole series in a day. Now Netflix charging these outrageous prices about to have me and others jumping ship. People got rid of cable because the streaming services were affordable and you watched what you want at anytime. Now you raising the price and giving us wack shows your times is up Netflix. Tubi on the other hand is making waves you can’t go don’t Instagram or Twitter without a Tubi meme. Not to mention not all of Tubi show are bad most are actually funny as hell and it’s free. I recommend everybody just cancel Netflix because desperate people do anything and they starving over there.

By K.Art

You know why I’m here. HTX

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